
he SRS attached to pass-through dishwasher is equipped with a large waste water heat exchanger and an additional exhaust air heat exchanger. This combination ensures maximum efficiency and optimal indoor climate in the kitchens 

While the exhaust air heat exchanger converts the warm water vapor into energy, the waste water heat exchanger uses the temperature of the waste water to heat the cold inlet water. 

The SRS heat recovery permanently reduces your operating costs, improves the kitchen climate and also reduces the power consumption of the machine.

The heat used in warewashing is the biggest factor in energy consumption. Heat exchange or recovery systems convert the energy from waste steam and waste water and use it to reheat the cold water supply, resulting in energy savings.

A machine with a steam condenser, such as ATLANTIS DISHMACHINE DW130V VENTLESS , uses a sealed device to condense and remove moisture. This ensures that no steam containing vaporised cleaning agents and other potentially dangerous chemicals is released. The steam condenser operates as a heat exchanger so there is no additional water consumption.

The ATLANTIS DISHMACHINE DW130V VENTLESS, includes the  steam condenser and heat recovery system. This condenses vapours expelled when the dishwasher is opened, cooling it quickly and so improving working conditions. The heat recovery system enables the unit to reduce energy consumption, with the heat produced by the machine recovered and transferred back to the cold water used for washing. This results in savings of up to 15% on both emissions and energy use.

The biggest saving on the first year is the elimination of the need to install TYPE II hood that can cost up to 3000$ . According to the

according to the IMC:


507.2.2 Type II hoods. Type II hoods shall be installed where cooking or dishwashing appliances produce heat, steam, or products of combustion and do not produce grease or smoke, such as steamers, kettles, pasta cookers, and dishwashing machines

2. A Type II hood is not required for dishwashers and potwashersthat are provided with heat and water vapor exhaust or recovery systems that are supplied by the appliance manufacturer and are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.....”

The SRS meets the requirments of the Vapor recovery system as described above in the IMC and thus there is no need to install TYPE II HOOD above the  ATLANTIS DISHMACHINE DW130V VENTLESS DW130V or CONVEYOR dishwasher.



Commercial Kitchen

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